Montag, 1. August 2011

HOWTO: Unzipping Files under Debian Squeeze OS

The .rar format is one of the most used for unzipping files, if we are working under Windows this might not be a problem, we only need to install WinRAR in a very easy way: Install.. Next, next, next, next and finish! After this, we are ready to zip & unzip our files.

But let' s take a look at how it works under Debian (or another GNU/Linux OS):

We are going to install rar. Open your console and type the following:

lobo@Cubil:$ aptitude install rar unrar

/* We need to install both, rar and unrar in order to work*/

Now, let's figure out that we want to unzip a file telecomunicaciones.rar we just downloaded from the cloud.

lobo@Cubil:$ unrar x telecomunicaciones.rar

What happens if we have our .rar file split in many parts? telecomunicaciones.part1.rar, telecomunicaciones.part2.rar ... telecomunicaciones.partx.rar.

lobo@Cubil:$ unrar x telecomunicaciones.part1.rar

/* We only need to type the first part and it will continue unzipping until the last part*/

But if we don't want to unzip this file at all, but we want to look what is inside the zipped file??

lobo@Cubil:$ unrar | telecomunicaciones.rar

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